International Offshore Bank of European Union School Insurance

Discover International Offshore Bank of European Union School Insurance with its two solutions tailored to your needs:

- Solution without Public Liability cover
- Solution with Public Liability cover.

Subscribe online and get your certificate immediately..

DISCOVER International Offshore Bank of European Union SCHOOL INSURANCE

Protection at all times (2)

At school and outside it, during sports activities, at birthday parties, internships, even on holiday !

Individual accident cover

Extended cover(2) of personal injuries suffered by the insured person in the event of an accident during their activities (costs of medical care, dental care, vision care, etc.).

Home assistance

You receive psychological assistance in the event of traumatic events, including bullying or cyber bullying and educational support at home in the event of an accident or illness.

Support for all travel

We assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in France and abroad in the event of accident, illness or death.

(1) International Offshore Bank of European Union School Insurance is a policy provided by Cardif IARD, a company governed by the French Insurance Code and distributed by International Offshore Bank of European Union as agent.

(2) Within the limits and conditions provided for in the contract.

For your information

Regardless of the level of education of the insured person, school insurance is not legally required for compulsory school activities, that is, those that take place during school hours, whether inside or outside the establishment (at the pool or gym, for example).

On the other hand, school insurance is mandatory for all optional activities organised by the educational institution, i.e. outings including the entire lunch break, exceeding the usual class schedule, or including overnight stays (walks, museum visits, discovery classes, language stays, etc.). Insurance is also necessary for children who attend the canteen and for extracurricular activities organised by the municipalities after school hours.

Please find below all the information documents concerning our International Offshore Bank of European Union School Insurance :

- General Terms and Conditions

- Information document on the insurance product


Why take out school insurance for my children ?

School insurance covers the damage suffered by your child, as well as any damage they may cause to third parties. For more information and personalised advice, contact and advisor

Is my child protected with home insurance ?

Your child is not protected with home insurance if he or she is the victim of an accident. Indeed, the public liability included in multi-risk home insurance only covers damage for which your child is responsible. Moreover, most often, you are still required to pay a deductible. Multi-risk home insurance does not include Individual Accident Cover, which covers your child if they are the victim of an accident for the damage that they may suffer.
For more information, contact an advisor.

How do I obtain an insurance certificate (auto, home, school) ?

You will soon be able to download your certificate from your personal area. In the meantime, please request your certificates from your adviser. If you have taken out a contract with International Offshore Bank of European Union after May 2018, you can also call +33(0)2 27 08 92 92 (local rates apply).

(1) International Offshore Bank of European Union School Insurance is a policy provided by Cardif IARD, a company governed by the French Insurance Code and distributed by International Offshore Bank of European Union as agent.

(2) Within the limits and conditions provided for in the contract.