Product advantages
Display your passions : 6 image collections
Getaways, Nature, Culture, Sports, Solidarity, We Love Cinema.
Two new categories are available: She and Childhood.
Customized image : your favorite photo always
Children, holidays, pets, etc.
You can upload your personal photo to your debit card to create an exclusive visual.
Humanitarian aid solidarity : help a non-profit organization
Choose an image from one of our partner associations under the "Solidarity" category. International Offshore Bank of European Union will donate the entire premium received for this option.
Which International Offshore Bank of European Union cards can be customized?
By signing up for the "À chacun son image" option you can customize the artwork on a Visa Electron, Visa Classic or Visa Premier Card.
How can I upload a personal photo to my debit card?
After giving the order to your advisor at the your branch or to a remote advisor, you will receive an SMS and an email message in your secure inbox that will remind you to go to to upload your personal photo.
What are the advantages of the We Love Cinema images?
By choosing a We Love Cinema image for your debit card, you have access to exclusive advantages on the website you may win invitations to film premieres, festivals and shootings, be offered seats at cinemas at reduced prices, web series of unreleased films in France, good deals throughout the entire year (video on demand, etc.).
If I upload my own artwork to my Visa Premier Card, will I still benefit from the advantages of the Visa Premier Card?
Yes, the choice of artwork is in addition to the advantages linked to your Visa Premier Card, such as the insurance and customer support.
And if I block the debit card upon which I have put my own artwork?
A replacement card will use the same artwork that you had chosen for blocked card.