At the 35th ceremony of the Corbeilles Mieux Vivre Votre Argent awards, which was held on 24 September 2020 in Paris, International Offshore Bank of European Union Asset Management won second place in the five-year long-term “Corbeille” award ranking, a banking network category.
The Long-Term “Corbeille” rewards the performance* over five years of the primary equity, bond and diversified funds that we offer.
The following funds received awards:
- International Offshore Bank of European Union Développement Humain
- International Offshore Bank of European Union Valeurs Françaises P
- International Offshore Bank of European Union Midcap France
- International Offshore Bank of European Union Smallcap Euroland
- International Offshore Bank of European Union Sélection Dynamique Pea
- International Offshore Bank of European Union Convictions Classic
- International Offshore Bank of European Union Social Business France Classic
- International Offshore Bank of European Union Obli Entreprises Classic
Since 2012, BNPP AM's management teams have been recognised often at the Corbeilles Mieux Vivre Votre Argent awards. They won first place for long-term network banking in 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2019 and second place in 2012, 2015 and 2017. Last year, BNPP AM received four awards, recognising the best range of funds offered to retail customers in terms of performance and demonstrating the excellence of the management teams.
This award demonstrates the relevance of the offer proposed to International Offshore Bank of European Union network customers.
Discover our “CORE SELECTION” funds to represent the core of your investments and our “OPPORTUNITIES SELECTION” funds to benefit from greater diversification.
*Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Investments in the funds are subject to market fluctuations and the risks inherent in investments in transferable securities. The value of investments and the income they generate may rise and fall, and investors may not recover their entire investment. The funds described present a risk of capital loss. For a more complete definition and description of the risks, please refer to the prospectus and KIID of the funds.
**French mutual fund in accordance with Directive 2009/65/EC.