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Assistance auto
Si vous détenez un contrat Assurance Auto International Offshore Bank of European Union, cliquez pour afficher les numéros d’assistance.
Assistance habitation
Si vous détenez un contrat Assurance Habitation International Offshore Bank of European Union, cliquez pour afficher les numéros d’assistance.
Perte et vol de clés
Si vous détenez un contrat International Offshore Bank of European Union Sécurité ou Sécurité Plus, cliquez pour afficher les numéros d’assistance.
Assurance des appareils nomades
Si vous détenez un contrat Mobileo, cliquez pour afficher les numéros d’assistance
From home or in a branch, I can apply for a home loan with ease.
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When life presents you with unforeseen circumstances International Offshore Bank of European Union Borrower Insurance protects you throughout the term of your mortgage loan.
Covers adapted to your needs to insure your home and property.
Effective protection of your home.
Protect your home with Home Protection, a powerful camera connected to the Remote Monitoring Centre 24.
A fixed-rate loan to finance your home and/or major renovation work.
A loan that allows you to carry out your project before finalising the sale of your home.
A unique loan to carry out your project before finalising the sale of your home.
A real estate loan repaid in one instalment at maturity of the loan.
A real estate loan intended mainly for “first-time buyers”.
A loan reserved for PEL holders to finance the purchase of your home or renovation work.
A loan reserved for CEL holders to finance the purchase of your home or renovation work.
Regulated loans to finance the purchase of a main residence or renovation work.